03.8.2025 – 10.8.2025
Would you like to meet other young Croats from four different countries and explore the Croatian language together—all by the sea in Croatia? Then join us this summer for a language seminar on Brač!
We offer fun, workshops, and the opportunity to improve your Croatian language skills.
For 18 – 30 year olds
- 7x nights at the Klesarska školi on Brač
- Bus transport to and from Brač
- Limited number of places available
Programme Highlights:
- Workshops focusing on the (Burgenland) Croatian language
- Afternoon leisure activities including swimming, socialising, and sports
- Evening programmes
- A day trip
Cost: 150€
➔ Application Deadline: 30th April 2025
Participant Testimonials:
Hrvatski akademski klub (HAK) is organising a language seminar in cooperation with Društvo gradišćanskohrvatske mladine u Ugarskoj (DGMU), Hrvatski kulturni savez u Slovačkoj (HKSS) and Udruga hrvatskih studenata u inozemstvu (UHSI) called ,,Jezik prez granic’’ on Brač.
The seminar is aimed at young Burgenland Croats from Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and students from Croatia between the ages of 18 and 30 who want to engage with the Burgenland Croat minority and the Croatian language.
The focus lies on the exchange and interaction of young people from various regions in the Croatian language. This encounter gives every participant the chance to talk about the situations in their surrounding areas. They are given an insight on the activism of others and are introduced to different realities. The language, as an important part of the identity, connects the Burgenland Croatian community in Austria, Slovakia and Hungary and builds a bridge to Croatia. Croatian is a requirement for successful communication and cross-border cooperation in minority work.
This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies solely with the author; the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.